Sometimes I feel like we are in this sweet spot of life, having an almost 4 year old and a 17 month old, and I wish I could push the pause button on the passing of time and just stay right here in this season for a little bit longer. (Some days, it feels like bed time can't come soon enough, but for now let's focus on the sweetness of the season in which we find ourselves.)
My kids are excited by the simplest adventures. They are ecstatic at the idea of reading books, dressing up, and walking to the canyon to explore. On the way home from this canyon walk, Everett kept saying, "Mom, that was such a fun adventure!" I genuinely have fun with them, too. We are in a season where we have the freedom to do whatever we want with our days, and we get to spend so much time together. They have an abundance of love for each other and me, and they constantly show it, which I know won't always be the case. There are many moments of "I love you" and hugs and cuddles scattered throughout our day. Even though this season of life is exhausting, I would pause time if I could, just for a little bit.
One of the presents we got for Cambria for Christmas was ladybug wings and a Ladybug Girl book, because she loves dressing up. Cambria and Everett both love the book, so we decided to have a "Ladybug Girl Day" for school, and we checked out Ladybug Girl books from the library and dressed up.
Books we enjoyed:
- Ladybug Girl
- Ladybug Girl and Bumblebee Boy
- The Amazing Adventures of Bumblebee Boy
- Ladybug Girl and the Bug Squad
- Ladybug Girl and the Best Ever Playdate

Everett had to bring home a rock from the canyon to paint, because that is what the Bug Squad did in the book:
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