Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Dear baby.

Dear baby,
I was hoping to take a nap while your big brother is napping, but it seems that your plans include repetitively kicking me or punching me in the stomach, and so I sit here, awake and uncomfortable. I am now 32 weeks pregnant with you. I love to think about who you are in there, what you will look like, who you will grow to become.

There are some exciting things about being the second child- you get a built in best friend, confidant, and playmate, and your parents kind of know what they are doing a little bit more than we did with our first baby, but you get a little less focus during the season of pregnancy simply because we have a toddler to chase around and love on and take care of. But it doesn't mean we are any less excited to have you join our family.

Summer is over, which means we are officially entering into baby season. We don't know if you are a boy or girl and we haven't decided on final names for you yet, but I am getting more and more excited each day to meet you. I just want you to know that you are already so loved.

Your mama

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