Dear baby,
This week was another full one that left me feeling so much gratitude for this life and the people I am surrounded by. I had a surprise baby shower at work that was so thoughtful and lovely. My coworkers are some of the most inspirational people I have ever known in my life. The next day, I had a shower given by my San Diego friends. So many of our friends are dispersed all over the country and world, and I so wish that everyone I love could all live in one little community, but I was reminded this week of the joy of making new friends wherever life takes you. San Diego is our home, and the friends we have here are all friends we have only known for a handful of years, but they are amazing, generous, kind, and loving. I am so grateful my path has crossed with so many wonderful people in this life. Now, all the baby showers are over, your room is in progress, and it is time to finish up the rest of our to do list before you arrive.
(This week's photos taken in our neighborhood after a delicious Sunday brunch. Every year the Jacaranda trees bloom in spring and line the streets of San Diego- a reminder of the reliable beauty that comes after winter.)
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