Sunday, January 8, 2012

On a Sunday.

When nature takes over. Our fence in the alley. These beauties arose out of nowhere.
Love this.
A newly painted wall.
What are they looking at?
Spread some.
Old stairs. Love the color.
A message.
Succulent love.
 Succulent love again.
Make a wish (and look silly doing it).


  1. :) LOVELY. I love your pictures. You make me want to take more photos. Thanks for the reminders of the simple joys in life. Cheers friend.

  2. These are such treats. Some awesome graffiti finds, for sure. What neighborhood is this?

    This certainly confirms how well San Diego should be loved at this time of year!

    ps: Thanks for dropping by my blog!

  3. Thanks Ash! I don't really know how to take photos, but I enjoy doing it and having fun with it. You should take photos and share them with me!

    Jasmine, we live in South Park, so that's where we were walking around. :)
