Thursday, June 9, 2011

A sweet note.

For the most recent project my students completed, they had to participate in a series of creative challenges. Creative challenge #4 was to journal about what inspires you, and here's what one student wrote. Tear.
This particular student inspires me deeply. In his presentation at the end of first semester, he voiced that no matter what he was going to be when he grew up, he knew that he wanted to be a peace activist.

This is enough validation to last a whole career.


  1. Dear Brooke,
    i am grateful that you have a career that brings you validation and inspiration such as this. Its necessary to counter balance the intense work and effort you put in every day. You are affecting the world in ways you cannot even see. I think you are in the worlds noblest and most difficult profession. You inspire us all. LOVE YOU...your biggest fan, mom

  2. I love this. What an amazing impact you're having on your students :)
