I only received my luggage today, which means I spent over 72 hours wearing the same clothes, even to sleep in.
To be honest, the first day I spent in Sarajevo, I was quite depressed because I looked like and felt like a slob due to my lack of luggage. I was able to meet with and interview the country director for World Vision, which was nice, but I looked a little disheveled.
I borrowed a toothbrush and toothpaste from the hotel, so at least my teeth were clean, but the hotel shampoo turned my hair into a bird’s nest that I couldn't brush and I didn’t have my warm clothes, except for what I wore on the planes. To top it off, I had insomnia my first two nights here, which meant that I watched BBC world news for hours in my bed, because that is the only English station. Also, I had no access to my computer, because I lacked my plug converter.
My lost luggage subsequently meant that today, the first day of the conference, where we traveled around town being tourists and visiting schools, I had to meet all of these important people in the same clothes I had been wearing for 72 hours. I would have bought a new outfit on Tuesday, but the airport assured me that my luggage would be delivered to my hotel on Tuesday, though they were wrong, and it was delivered Wednesday.
Today was a very good day though. We visited the offices of the local government of Sarajevo, visited two schools, had a city tour, and finished the evening off with a reception at the President’s Palace. After we returned from the reception, I spent the evening having drinks in the hotel bar with other peacebuilders, some from Save the Children, and others from smaller NGOs or governments.
Wednesday was a good day in Sarajevo, much better than Tuesday since I received my clothes.
More details to come, but for now, I am tired.
Time in Bosnia: 11:23 pm, Wednesday, March 11
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